Publish date: Dec 5, 2019
Last updated: Apr 22, 2020
Last updated: Apr 22, 2020
- incandescent
- emitting light as a result of being heated.
How to make a robot
- Planning
- purpose of robot
- design
- Chassis
- components, sensors, controllers required
- Movement
- DC gear motor selection
- Design
- Power supply lines
- Arduino Robot
Keepign the world in motion
Hardware Equipments
- French cleats
- Drill press
- Lathe machine
- Bench grinder
- Saw station
- Spanner
- Welding angles
- Wrenches
- Chisels
- Vise
- Peg Board vs French cleats Tools wall
- Rotary Encoders
- Acrylic fibre
- CV-Axel
- Omni wheels
- Torque
- Gear Train
- Wheel hub
- Stepper motor
- Power sockets - lots of them
- Dust collector syste1
- Lights
- Benches
- Tool wall 7.
Good google searches
- robot workshop
- torque
- schaft
- Servo motor
- Stepper motor
- gear motor
connect/solder LEDs to motor
Motor drivers
Why are they called H-bridge?
- Cytron MD10C - MOSFET
- L298N - BJT