Google Cloud Applications
Publish date: Aug 17, 2019
Last updated: Apr 22, 2020
Last updated: Apr 22, 2020
Google Sheets
Sheets are are people, databases are for machines
- Merge multiple sheets data to one
- Logical Tests
- Regular Expressions for data validation/extraction
- Conditional Formatting, Locking the column
- Dynamic dependent dropdown Lists
- Data validation
- Use App Script custom Menu to Add NEW ROW (from a template/previous row)
- Send emails directly from spread sheet
- App Script functions to share on social media
- App Script functions to onboard/unboard from menu or from a action button, move them b/w sheets.
- Make interactive Timeline from spreadsheet data
- ArrayFormulas
={1,2,3; 4,5,6; 7,8,9}
- Import HTML tables, lists from web
How to use google sheets API
- Create Client ID
- Register your application for Google Sheets API in Google API Console
- Automatic sync
- 2-way Sync
- List all google sheets from google drive
- read sheets data with nuxt
- How to add google signin to vue app
Google Sign IN for webapp
Federated LogIn - Google SignIn
- SignIn Button
- User accepts to share information
- First signIn, then Incrementaal authorization
- asking for permissions as they are needed
- Add
and load google.api inhead
of Html page - Render BUtton
- Design a custom button
- EventListner when button is pressed to run GSignIn
- returns google object with user info
- Google Login WOrkflow
- How OAUTH works with nUXT
- Use js
- Use try, catch here
- Thankyou user for logging in
- Use js
gapi.load('auth2', function () {
What do people do with it? Use cases
sheets which can do calculations
- Calculator
- Databases
- Analysis
- Modelling
- List Management
- Data Visualization
- Report generation
- Workflow Application
- Email everytime a new entry is added, with new entry and link to sheet
- Capture fields from Google Forms
- Documentation etc.
Its like a infant, Do not even know the boundaries of theor own ideas, they scratch theor own head.
- Google Sheets as a JSON Endpoint
- Copy paste to get ris of the underlying formula for us
- Import data from multiple sources (shapes, size)
- Can show image thumbnails
- Rows Grouping