Last updated: Aug 26, 2019
Configuration Management
- How to install / remove / Update packages
- Ansible, puppet, chef, salt
Orchestration Tool
- How to deploy a OS / vm image onto infrastructure
- Terraform, OpenStack
Why use CM tool instead of simple shell scripts?1
- Idempotency
grep myhost /etc/hosts || echo ' myhost' >> /etc/hosts
- juju has charms, puppet has cookbooks ~ ansible has playbook.
Infrastructure as a Code / Documentation
How to get vagrant image with ansible provision?
The Vagrant Ansible provisioner allows you to provision the guest using Ansible playbooks by executing ansible-playbook from the Vagrant host. Ansible should be installed on host. Link here
- Configure systems
- Deploy softwares
- From Apt package manager an pip
- Download and run make/dpkg -i commands
- Orchestrate IT Tasks
- Zero downtime rolling updates
- Continuous deployments
- Provisioning
- Automation language
, modules- Template module -
to copy config files - Service:
- Handlers:
- Automation engine that runs the Playbooks
- Ansible tower GUI and API
- GALAXY - community
- Agentless - uses OpenSSH
- Uses INVENTORIES - list of hosts
- What to run - PLAYBOOK
- Where to run - INVENTORY FILE
- How to run - Ansible language directives
- PLaybooks -> Tasks (runs sequentially) -> Modules
- HANDLERS are triggered by TASKS
- Check if all nodes have same kernel -
yum -a “name=kernel state=latest”
- Add mutiple users on hosts
- Use with docker containers
Install or remove a apt package
ansible localhost --module-name apt --args "name=tree state=absent" --become --ask-become-pass -vvvv
ansible localhost --module-name apt --args "name=tree" --become --ask-become-pass -vvv
ansible localhost -m shell -a "wget -P $HOME/mySoftwares/vagrant/trusty"
ansible localhost -m git -a "repo= dest=~/mySoftwares/vagrant/trustyAnsible/fzf"
ansible localhost -m shell -a "git init --bare ./dotfiles"
# Passing variables from command line
ansible-playbook release.yml --extra-vars "version=1.23.45 other_variable=foo"
# Use tags to run specific parts of playbook
- yum:
name: "{{ item }}"
state: present
- httpd
- memcached
- packages
- template:
src: templates/src.j2
dest: /etc/foo.conf
- configuration
ansible-playbook example.yml --tags "configuration,packages"
ansible-playbook example.yml --skip-tags "notification"
ansible-playbook --tags "test" ~/playbook.yml -e "sys_user=vagrant" -e "hosts=kjsdiofiosfiosd"
# install configs on localmachine
ansible-playbook ~/playbook.yml -e "sys_user=avi" -e "variable_host=localhost" -vvvv -K
Ad-Hoc command - modules from CMD line
ansible web -a /bin/date ansible web -m ping
- Updating a particular package to test
Ansible web -s -m yum -a “name=openssl state=latest”
- Updating a particular package to test
From playbooks
- Tasks are executed in order
From Tower UI
Ansible Roles
Independent variables, tasks, files, templates, and modules.
# Directory structure is important
ansible-galaxy init /path/ofdir/where/roles/need/creation
A handler tasks gets executed when notified from other normal ansible tasks. For eg: start service only when cetrtain package is installed, start nginx when nginx install job notifies the handler.
Know HOWs
- Ansible by default assumes you are using SSH keys. SSH keys are encouraged else use –ask-pass. If using sudo features and when sudo requires a password, also supply –ask-become-pass
- –private-key for pem keys
- Importing playbooks is possible
import_playbook: webservers.yml
- Ansible uses Jinja2 templating to enable dynamic expressions and access to variables
- Working with conditions use
- [Advantages of a deployment tool such as Ansible over shell( [return]