Guide to being immortal in this age
Last updated: Apr 22, 2020
learning revision marker on page, page last read, keep on improving content on every iteration, add an image, improve language, use new words which you learnt, add/make videos. Its for you! unless its for others
include the tools to learn the content fast, MNENOMICS, visuals, mindmaps and self tests. Journey method, mind palace, method of Loci
$$ blog = WebLog $$
Paperless classroom website name - the daring librarian, associate it with GOAL of work you are doing Educational network? Edublog - classroom management techniques
promote high order thinking, The idea is that some types of learning require more cognitive processing than others, but also have more generalized benefits. DIKW pyramid Bloom’s taxonomy
Monetise - spark curiosity for engagement, GOOD handcrafted questions
- MoBo
- Mobile blogging
who would I be, if I don’t try to make it better!
Literate programming is a programming paradigm introduced by Donald Knuth in which a program is given as an explanation of the program logic in a natural language, such as English, interspersed with snippets of macros and traditional source code, from which a compilable source code can be generated.[1]
Putting out something useful on Internet
- How can you generate BAT / Monetize?
- Which are suitable Bloggin Platforms?
- What you want to put out? MVP
- Why Blog?
- To market your work
- To share your learning and findings
- Social / Humanitarian causes
- Monetization
- SEO - search engine dependent
- Affiliate Marketting
- bat and brave
- Outreach - post your link on other popular blogs
- Advertisement from Google Ad Sense
- Revenue Stream
- Recurring / Subscription based product
- One time payment / Support / Donation
- Cryptocurrency bat
- How can I use [bat] tokens in my website?
- bat Creators Program
Collecting and Presenting Metrics
- Set work flows
- Collect/scrape data running, running scripts in cloud CI
- Circle CI
- Travis
- How to save them to google sheets -> Fill Google Forms
- Present them in Data Studio